
Showing posts with the label Adsense

Chrome now Supports Better ads Standard Globally

CHROME NOW SUPPORTS BETTER ADS STANDARD GLOBALLY One morning when I opened my AdSense Account, there is a new notification appeared. That notification looks like:- Global Better Ads Standards. Google Chrome will support the Better Ads Standards globally from July 9th. Ads may be filtered on Chrome browsers if you don't comply with the standard. If you are AdSense Publisher You might be familiar with this notification. Now what is Better Ads Standard? Is it good for publishers like you? Better Ads Standard:- This Program provides guidelines for companies like Google on how they can use the  Better Ads Standards  to help improve users' experience with ads on the web. It filters some ads that are not comply with Google. Goolge Chrome has already implemented this standard since 2018 in in Europe and North America. Based on this limited run, many websites owners are able to comply with the standard and only 1% websites which get their ads fil...

[Must Read] Increase your AdSense Earnings with a trick

Increase your AdSense Earnings with trick:- Hi I am Sanjay. In this article I am revealing a secret that may double your AdSense Earnings. Q:  Is this trick legal? A: Yes Q: Is this trick effective? A: Yes Now let's do that trick:- Recently Google has rolled out a new feature called Ad Balance. This feature is a wonderful thing for Publishers like you. Now What is AdBalance? AdBalance is a balancer between your potential ads and earnings. How to use AdBalance? 1. Go to your AdSense home page. 2. Go to Ads >  Ad Balance. 3. In that Ad Balance, you can see a slider. This slider determines your ad fill rate. 4. Se e this gif above. As you can see when I move that slider from 100 to 60, there is no change in my e stimated earnings. But when I slide below 60, estimated earnings drops. That point is our critical. This critical point may change publisher to publisher. So our ad fill rate must b...

[2019] Get AdSense Approval for Blogspot blog with trick

Get AdSense Approval For your Blogspot Blog... Please follow the below steps to get approval quickly:- For domain:- If you don't have custom domain, you can also get adsense approval but only through earnings tab in Blogger dashboard. So you need to wait atleast 3 months (for Next step is to get your site comply with AdSense policies. For Custom domain:- If you have a custom domain, that's good... Next step is to get your site comply with AdSense policies. Common steps for any blogspot owners:- 1. All the content in your blog must be original and not copied. 2. Each post must contains sufficient content and not only images. 3. Atleast 25 posts must. 4. Add professional look pages like About page, Privacy policy page, Contact us page. 5. Your Blog must be user-friendly and not contains any irritable content. 6. Use Default blogger theme or any other clean themes. Click here to download Blogger theme...

How to report invalid clicks to Adsense

How to report invalid clicks to AdSense before get banned... Many AdSense publishers including me may have got this type of email. But don't worry you can create another Adsense Account. If you got the above email you can fill this form There are some crazy people out there who click Adsense Ads madly. Obviously they are not trying to increase your revenue, but try to ban you from Adsense. Whenever you get a lot of clicks from one user, Google will understand someone is trying to manipulate your Adsense account. Though Adsense credits the fraud clicks revenue on estimated earnings initially,  it will be discredited once they detect it as fraud. Then Google Ban your account. Ads:- How to notify AdSense about invalid clicks before gets banned    You can now notify google about invalid clicks before your account disabled. If you do this, they will save your request to their records. In the future if your account got invalid clicks, google will s...

Blog - How to cancel your Adsense account.

You may also like:- How to make a blog There are two methods to cancel your adsense account permanently. First method:- 1) Sign in to your adsense account. 2) Go to Settins > Account > Cancel account. 3) A confirmatory email will be sent to your email. 4) Click the link in the email. Ads:- Second method:- If the cancel account button is not shown you have to follow second method. 1) Visit this link:- Cancel my AdSense account - AdSense Help 2) Fill up your account details. 3) Your adsense account wiil be closed. The second method is the most common method. Because in some adsense accounts, there will be no cancel button. Thank you...