1) Create a new sketchware project. 2) Drag and drop a Linear layout with id linear1 . 3) Add a widget that you want make a rounded corners inside Linear Layout linear1 . It may be EditText or Button or TextView or ImageView, etc. 5) Add a new more block round with View view , string color ,string stroke_c and a number radius . 6) Paste the below code to the more block :- android.graphics.drawable.GradientDrawable gd = new android.graphics.drawable.GradientDrawable(); gd.setColor(Color.parseColor(_color)); gd.setCornerRadius((float)_radius); gd.setStroke(2, Color.parseColor(_stroke_c)); _view.setBackground(gd); 7) In onCreate event add the more block with your view, colour, stroke colour and radius. Thank you...
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